Publications et Communications
Année 2002

[1] Aoudia Z. and Radjef M.S., On a Property of A-Optimality in a Multicriteria Optimization Problem, Proceedings of the12-th Mini EURO Conference, 2-5 April 2002, Brussels (Belgium).

[2] Cherfi L. and Radjef M.S., Existence of the A-objection and Counter-Objection Equilibrium in Differential Game under Uncertainty, Accepted from the ISDG 2002 (International Society of Dynamic Games), 09-11 July 2002, St-Petersburg (Russia)

[3] Radjef M.S., On The Existence of a Stable Imputation in a Positional Cooperative Differential Game. Accepted from the ISDG 2002 (International Society of Dynamic Games), 09-11 July 2002, St-Petersburg (Russia).

[4] Laib F. and Radjef M.S., The Strong Imputation in a Dynamic Cooperative Game. Accepted from the ISDG 2002 (International Society of Dynamic Games), 09-11 July 2002, St-Petersburg (Russia)

[5] Ouramdane N., Mouhoubi R., Aïssani D., Analyse et Quantification du Coût de la Déperdition Scolaire au niveau de la Commune de Béjaïa, Actes du Colloque National sur la Déperdition Scolaire, I.N.R.E. Ed., Ghardaïa, Mai 2002, pp. 01 - 20 (support CD).

[6] Aïssani D., In the book DBK, Edisud Ed. , Paris, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. .

[7] Mouhoubi Z. and Aïssani D., Quantitative Estimates of the Uniform Ergodicity for Markov Chaine. Proceedings of the 8-th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, June 2002, pp. 10 - 11.

[8] Medjoudj R. and Aïssani D., Economic aspects of distribution power system reliability. Aplication to a 30 Kv network of Béjaia (Algeria), In the Book Mathematical Methods in Reliability , Proceedings of the Third International Conference MMR'02, Trondheim (Norway), June 2002, pp. 441 - 444.

[9] Bouallouche L. and Aïssani D., Performance evaluation of an SW Communication Protocol (Send and Wait), Proceedings of the MCQT'02 (First Madrid International Conference on Queueing Theory), Madrid (Spain), July 2002, pp. 18 and others.

[10] Lekadir O. and Aïssani D., Strong stability in a Jackson network with two tandem stations. Proceedings of the XXII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastics Models, Varna (Bulgaria), May 2002.

[11] Adjabi S., Lagha K. and Aïssani A., Application of Nonparametric laws in queueing systems and renewal theory, In the Book Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Proceedings of the Third International Conference MMR'02, Trondheim (Norway), June 2002, pp. 07 - 10.

[12] Mouhoubi Z. and Aïssani D., Quantitative estimates of the strong stability for Markov chains., Proceedings of the XXII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastics Models, Varna (Bulgaria), May 2002.

[13] Aïssani D., Adjabi S., Ibrahim M. S. and Ousman B., Application of non parametric reliability distributions and tests for analyzing MV energy distribution network's failures: case of Niamey's 20 Mv network, In the Book Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Proceedings of the Third International Conference MMR'02, Trondheim (Norway), June 2002, pp. 15 - 18.

[14] Aïssani D., Adjabi S., Merrani L. and Khemmoudj M.I., Production Planning to the National Compagny of the Greasy Substances. Proceedings of the MCDM Winter International Conference 2002, Semmering (Austria), February 2002.

[15] Bouraïne M., Adjabi S., and Aïssani A., On Statistical Tests for Non Parametric Life Distributions. In the Book Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Proceedings of the Third International Conference MMR'02, Trondheim (Norway), June 2002, pp. 11 - 14.

[16] Radjef M.S., Sufficient Conditions for Multiobjective Problems under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the MCDM Winter International Conference 2002, Semmering (Austria), February 2002.

[17] Aïssani D. Historique et évolution du mouvement associatif en Algérie. Conférence plénière à l'Atelier Algéro-Français Basse Normandie - Soummam, Akbou, Mars 2002 (

[18] Aïssani D., Cheikh Adda à Travers ses œuvres. Actes du Congrès "Cheikh Adda Bentounès, le Sage Réformateur et l'Educateur Spirituel " (à l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de sa mort), Mostaganem, Octobre 2002.

[19] Aïssani D. et Mechehed D.E., La Khizana de Cheikh Lmuhub : Reconstitution d'une Bibliothèque de Manuscrits du XIX-ème Siècle, Actes des Journées d'Etudes " Les Manuscrits Berbères au Maghreb et dans les Collections Européennes : Localisation, Identification, Conservation et Diffusion ", Aix-en-Provence, Décembre 2002, pp. 09 - 12

[20] Aïssani D., Tim emmert n'Ichelaten :Un Institut Supérieur au Fin Fond de la Kabylie, In the Book " Les Manuscrits Berbères au Maghreb et dans les Collections Européennes : Localisation, Identification, Conservation et Diffusion ", CCL Arles et Iremam Ed., Aix-en-Provence, 2002, pp. 08 - 25.

[21] Aïssani D., Ibn Hammad,, In Dictionnaire Biographique de la Kabylie, Edisud Ed. , Paris, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. .

[22] Aïssani D. et Valerian D., Mathématiques, Commerce et Société à Béjaïa (Bugia) au moment du séjour de Leonardo Fibonacci. In the Book "Leonardo Fibonacci. Mathematica e Società nel Secolo XIII. Enrico Giusti and Marco Tangheroni Eds.), Pisa, 2002 (to appear in the International Journal Bolletino Matematiche).

[23] Aïssani D., Le Zéphyr, Revue L'Echo de Bougie, Paris, 2002, pp. 02.

[24] Aïssani D., La Tariqa al-`Alawiyya, la Kabylie et le Dialogue Inter-Religieux. International Journal Africana (Vittorio Salvadorini and Giovanni Armallotti Eds.), VII, Pisa, 2002, pp. 13 - 26.

[25] Djellab N., On the M/G/1 Retrial Queue Subjected to Breakdown International Journal RAIRO - Operation Research , Vol. 36, 2002, pp. 299 - 310.

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Laboratoire de Modélisation et d'Optimisation des Systèmes - Université de Béjaia - Targa Ouzemmour - 06000 - Béjaia
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